(540) 891-4306 contactus@ciunity.org

About Us

About Us

Terry & Eugene Logan


Our Mission:

To provide outreach programs to communities that will make a lasting impact in the lives of our youth through: Empowerment, Enrichment, and Encouragement.

We endeavor to transform communities on a local and global scale through providing humanitarian aid and supplies, life-skills workshops, seminars, leadership training, academic enrichment and purpose-driven recreational activities. Community In Unity, Inc. seeks to convey a message of restoration, hope and healing to a millennial generation of young people who are apathetic about their future and lives. We believe the youth of today need to be challenged to reach beyond the parameters of their mind, to discover their purpose and make a profound, lasting impact on their generation.

We understand the task of reaching our youth is too large for any one organization to embark upon. Thus, we invite and encourage schools, community centers, churches and other community-based organizations to partner with us in our efforts to see youth plugged into a vibrant, focused organization. We believe it is only when we all work together, that we can accomplish a greater good.


Our History: 

Community In Unity, Inc. was founded in July of 1999 by Eugene and Terry Logan. What began as a one-time community event, quickly developed into a deep passion and longing to reach as many youths as possible after seeing first-hand the hopelessness of the youth within their own community.

Since 1999, the Logans have worked extensively with a diverse population of children and youth both locally and globally from churches, schools, and community centers in Virginia, Washington, D.C., and the U.S. Virgin Islands; by hosting a variety of projects such as, “Stay Connected!” youth back to school events, recreation basketball camps, mentoring opportunities and empowerment seminars within these communities.

As Community In Unity, Inc. continues to expand, the scope of our work will broaden to include leadership and missions training, drug prevention and rehabilitation programs, as well as many other positive initiatives designed to empower young men and women to make wise decisions for their lives.

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